Order and Payment
How can I order from otomasyon burada?
You can easily become a member of otomasyonburada.com.tr for free and immediately benefit from discounted products and campaigns.
1 Membership: Click the 'Register' button on the 'Login or Register' tab at the top right of the main page and fill out the membership form on the page that opens.
2 Product Selection: Add the product you like to your shopping cart by clicking the 'Add to Cart' button.
3 Delivery Information: When you click the 'Complete Shopping' button in the cart, you will come to the delivery information screen. After filling in the delivery and billing address information, choose your cargo from the bottom of the page.
4 Payment: When you click the 'Continue' button, you will reach the payment information screen. Choose the one that suits you best from the payment options presented here.
5 Order Summary: Before confirming your order, check the information you entered on the 'Order Summary' page and change what you want to change. When you are sure that the information you have provided is correct, tick the boxes indicating that you have read and accepted the Preliminary Information Form and the Distance Sales Agreement.
6 Order Confirmation: After making your payment selection, you can proceed to the order confirmation screen by clicking the 'Continue' button. Confirm your order by clicking the 'Confirm Order' button at the bottom of the screen only once.
7 Order Tracking: On the new page that opens, you will see the order sample number ( #123 ) given to you by the system. You can track your order in the 'My Orders' area at the top of the home page.
How can I get information about my order?
You can get detailed information about your order from the My Orders page in the My Account menu.
Can I add products to a completed order?
You cannot add items after payment is completed and your order has been confirmed. You have to order again for the new product.
I want to cancel my order in cargo?
• You can place your order in the "My Orders" tab in the "My Account" section on the main page.
check its status.
• If your order is in the status of “Shipped to Cargo”, it cannot be canceled.
• You can return the cargo without receiving it.
What should I pay attention to when ordering?
We recommend you to pay special attention to some points so that the orders you place from otomasyonburada.com.tr can be delivered to the address in a timely and complete manner as you expect:
Warranty Information: All of the products sold in Automation Here are 100% original and come with an official distributor, importer or manufacturer's warranty. You can find warranty information on the product pages.
Campaigns: Offered with certain conditions such as lower limit, product group/category. You can benefit from the campaign after fulfilling the campaign conditions.
Supply Process: You can access the delivery times of the products on the product pages and on the order confirmation page after adding the product to the cart. For example, when you buy a product with the 'Ship in 24 Hours' logo, you do not wait for the products to be supplied. Your products are delivered from stock to cargo immediately after the order is confirmed.
Order Tracking: You can find details about order tracking on the 'My Orders' page.
Payment: You can make it by credit card, debit card, shopping credit or money order/EFT method.
Payment by Wire Transfer/EFT: Our account numbers are provided at the time of order. Your payment should reach our accounts within 1 business day after your order. If your payment does not reach us within this period, your order will be cancelled.
Cancellation and Refund: You can review the 'Return and Cancellation Conditions' topic on the Help page.
Change of Delivery Address: You can only change the delivery address in your order when it is in the 'Processed' status.
How can I find out my order number?
After purchasing the product, an order number is given to you by the system. You can reach your order number from the order confirmation e-mail sent to your registered e-mail address after your purchase, or from the My Account-My Orders page.
Why was my order cancelled?
Information about order cancellation is sent to the e-mail address registered during the membership of the order owner. We recommend that you keep your personal information registered in your bank and on otomasyonburada.com.tr up to date so that your orders can be approved by the bank. The reasons why your order is not approved may be:
Due to Payment Type: The order placed by credit card may have been canceled in cases where the payment has not been received by us. If you have selected EFT/wire transfer as the payment type and completed your payment while creating your order, your payment may not have been reflected in our accounts yet. If you write your order number, which will be formed after the order confirmation, in the explanation section during your Wire Transfer/EFT payment, completely and without spaces between the numbers, your payment will be approved within 1 hour after it is received in our account.
Did You Pay Attention To The Following Steps During EFT/Remittance Payment?
Confident of the correctness of the bank account number